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Arguably, 80% of the world's inhabitants will never do anything significant during their sojourn on this planet—a very depressing but necessary statistic to keep in mind.

As the image above shows, one of the key reasons the majority of the world population fails to make any significant headway is that they never even get off the starting block.

They search out every excuse to keep from getting "hurt", and when there are no plausible reasons for inaction, they make them up.

While the ability to ask the right questions is responsible for all the progress humanity has made, the penchant for asking immobilizing questions is a curse, an albatross with the ability to sink any potential greatness.

They search out every excuse to keep from getting "hurt", and when there are no plausible reasons for inaction, they make them up.

How we got here

Every child is born into the world optimistic and fearless. We all arrived here as blank slates upon which any possibility can be written, but the first few years of socialization bend us, shapes our minds and lays the foundations upon which we will build the rest of our lives.

The fortunate minority who are born into suitable homes, handed over to the proper formal education teacher or got committed by their parents into the hands of the right faith-based mentor are the ones who get a head start in life that, more often than not, gives them an advantage over the rest of their peers.

Scriptures confirm that early childhood socialization trains all humans on the track they will most likely stay for the rest of their lives, barring slight modifications and adjustments.

Every child is born into the world optimistic and fearless. We all arrived here as blank slates upon which any possibility can be written

How we chart a new cause

Firstly, it is rudimentary that we all critically assess the foundational beliefs guiding our choices and decisions while also feeding our biases. They are our primary limiting factors; lids above and beyond which we can never go. Our subconscious mind will manufacture excuses, create imaginary conflicts and ultimately find ways to keep us from crossing those lines set at a time when we were impressionable and ripe for programming.

Our subconscious mind will manufacture excuses, create imaginary conflicts and ultimately find ways to keep us from crossing those lines

Secondly, we list as many primary thoughts as we can articulate(thoughts that cut across much of our daily decision-making) and intentionally challenge them with alternative ideas.

intentionally challenge them with alternative ideas

Next, we embark on an exercise in mass replacement. To think you can dislodge old belief systems without presenting alternatives is wishful thinking, as nature abhors vacuums. Meditation and confession/auto-suggestion will play a critical role in this step. Several proven techniques/ methods have worked over the years, so I urge that we research and choose a plan that suits our unique circumstances. However, redirecting our train will not be a one-off exercise but something that must become a lifestyle as we move forward.

To think you can dislodge old belief systems without presenting alternatives is wishful thinking, as nature abhors vacuums.


Everything is possible once we can get past the fears that our programming lays before us. We ultimately discover that no one is truly at a disadvantage save the one set by their mindset, and once they reset their mind, every man becomes a potential genius.

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